Monday, April 4, 2011

To new and warmer grounds we go

I haven't been able to really post every day as promised (please don't hurt me) 'cos I've been busy applying to universities and other oh-so-interesting places. But most importantly, I've been packing 'cos guess what? Ima going to the Canary Islands on a vacation!  

Im so so so so exited, so exited. But as I'm gone for a week, I'll be passing rights for posting here to Shalala, so don't be startled if you see a weird signature at the bottom of a post. Also, be gentle. :)

Anyways, I guess I gotta be careful for it to become too AWESOME of a trip for me to handle.



  1. Hope you have a great trip. Could need a vacation myself :/

  2. I always wanted to go to the canarys. They have great cigars!

  3. Oh man, I would love to go to the Canary Islands and spearfish there. Some amazing blue water and big fish! Enjoy the seafood!

  4. canary islands is so much fun, i went when i was a kid
    have a good time

  5. Canary Island is one of the best places to spend your holiday!

  6. Have a great holiday, I've been to the Canary Island about a decade ago, was a really ice place.
